Life His Way

Life His Way

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." John 10:10

"There are only two ways we can live our lives; God’s plan or Satan’s plan. Jesus gives life, Satan takes life. In order to experience the abundant life, we must submit our lives to Jesus and commit to doing life His way. Therefore, I created this platform to help people do just that; Life His Way."

Mission and Vision

The vision of Life His Way is to help people live and experience the abundant life that Jesus died for each of us to uniquely experience.

Our mission is to create content and provide resources that lead people to take their next steps in the abundant life.

My prayer is that wether it's through my speaking, writing, or posting, that God would use this ministry to inspire, challenge, and encourage people to pursue doing life Jesus' way. In John 14:6 Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me..." Following Jesus is not a trend or simply a cultural custom. Following Jesus means having true purpose, it means building a life on a strong foundation that is eternally secure, and having the hope of eternal life in Heaven. But following Jesus is also having direct communion with God, healthy rythms in life, life-giving relationships, and having a faith that is strong, real, and active. I hope that everything that is communicated through Life His Way helps us to live and experience all of that and more.

Charlie Craige

Charlie Craige

Charlie Craige is extremely passionate about helping people discover the abundant life that God has for each of us. In 2013 Charlie graduated from Tuskegee University after studying business and being part of the school's championship football team as a starting offensive lineman. After finishing his undergrad Charlie earned a Masters of Art in Bible and Theology and has served for 11 years in full-time ministry in the context of local church in the various roles of Worship Leader, Associate Pastor, and Church Planter.

Charlie started "Life His Way" with the goal of helping people take their next steps in their spiritual journey and to journey with them in discovering their god-given purpose and seeing how they can experience the abundant life that Jesus died for all of us to experience.